Facebook Comment Import Fix

…0); ob_start(); curl_exec ($ch); curl_close ($ch); return ob_get_clean(); } }?> Der alte code ersetzt mit der neuen classe <?php$url = “https://www.yahoo.com”;//old, unavailable but great function.$content1 = file_get_contents($url); //new, based on…

Metatweet Guide

MetaTweet Guide Show your Best 300 Connection on Twitter by active Follower Listed Mention (Favorites) Start Connect with Twitter to load your Profile => Load your Profile Sort new Follower…

Sublime Setup for Mamp open in browser

…search and replace the part you don’t need in the path. Start with a small partial replace and extend it shortly to prevent syntax errors. ${ file/ search / replace…

The little SEO Wekend Story 

…to get high ranked . So i start a little experiment i want to rank for one of these Keywords like “Sex” just to test if there is any chance…

How to embed Facebook Video in WordPress

…some like share or other Facebook widgets there so there is no need to duplicate the JavaScript again. Ok, let’s start step by step showing both methods default Facebook way…

How to add Facebook Groups to Fanpages

Several Facebook Fanpages start can add Groups to their Fanpages. This is long time requested feature for many years now. Here I will try to describe how you could add…

Happy Birthday for my Friends

…lose the young people that make the platform big . Animated Gif keep some of the oldest concept of movies when the pictures start moving . Can you remember the…

UnEthical Wie Sicher ist mein Webhost ?

…traffic auf Ihre Implantierte Sub Seite. Die Besucher bekommen Ihre Start seite gar nciht zu sehen sondern nur den Fremden Shop. Erste Hilfe für Web Admins Es kann sehr Zeitaufwendig…