If you watched the F8 conference, you know that you can embed Facebook videos now on your own blog and webpage. Since WordPress and most other CMS don’t like scripts in the content area, here is a small walk through to optimize and minimize the embed code to the needed essence.
The default code offered from Facebook is a bit too heavy, ideal if you have a naked HTML page but unnecessary if you just want the video on a already Social & Facebook optimized Blog. You probably integrated already some like share or other Facebook widgets there so there is no need to duplicate the JavaScript again. Ok, let’s start step by step showing both methods default Facebook way and the minimal second way.
1) Facebook embed default get the Facebook video you like to embed.
Right side below the video post you find the Embed Video link. After click, you get the full default code to embed for the example video URL .If you don’t care and don’t have a WordPress blog or use any HTML JavaScript Plugin, you can use that method. That method is also recommended to embed in some third party Blog Platforms or webpages .
2) The Simple way . In Text mode, paste the following code into your Blog post and change the video URL to your video. Or only the Video ID the number behind the v=12345674545 is fine. Don’t forget to switch from VISUAL to TEXT mode in your editor. In detail, it’s only a div with a class and the data-href parameter, nothing big.
<div class="fb-video" data-allowfullscreen="true" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10155052082035157"> </div>
The only difference to a standard Post embed is the style class=”fb-video” that tells the script how to embed the Facebook video . It nearly the same for embed Facebook posts by default with the following code snippet.
<div class="fb-post" data-href="https://www.facebook.com/video.php?v=10155052082035157" data-width="500">
Witch will render like that on this blog probably i should remove the data-with=500 attribute to stay fluid .
the only difference between post and video embed is the style class=”fb-post” all the other code stuff is not needed and only clutter your blog.
Pro Facebook Video: Not all YouTube Videos are allowed to embed on external webpages . Many more mobile videos from apps that are probably hard to find on YouTube. Most videos are pre curated by the community on their vitality. Many News Channels TV-Host and filmmaker upload videos to Facebook . Embed Facebook videos are unlockable. Easy to integrate once setup .
Downside : Likes on embedded Facebook videos need a additional confirmation click, for security reason not sure how many user will follow 2 click and window popup for a simple Like. Only Public and Fan page videos can be embed. Every external embed will slow down your blog.
Note : Advanced Facebook Video share. One reason to dig into this social video topic was also to test how to share Facebook videos with a our custom video player. If you like you can try it out by sharing this post on your Facebook Timeline or page.
Video Credit : JAGON with friendly permission
Additional References : Facebook Developer Embed Helper
WordPress Ref.: Allowed WordPress HTML Tags