How to Export all your Facebook Friends Email and details

Mostly all of you spend quite a time on Facebook to find old friends and maet new one for fun or for some new business conections . As you know from old Windows times you should backup your stuff regulary not to be surprised one day when all is gone. Or just the platform is  down or lags.

Same rules and even more important than data, you should take care about your friends connections on social platforms here i will introduce 3 ways How to Export your Facebook Friends to save your Facebook contacts and still don’t bother Facebook rules.

Lets start with the most simple and move to the little bit advanced it alls depends how much friends you have 50, 100 or many thousand . All of them don’t need  more than 5-10 Minutes time and are simple .

1.  Copy  Past Facebook Friends

If you just need some Friends List to be saved its quite easy. You should have some kind of html webspace like a WP Blog or Joomla or even better a Gmail account .

On Gmail you have Docs that is html enabled. Just copy (select str C) your Facebook Friends and paste (str V) it into the new friends documents. Same you can do in your joomla if you want to save it on your own webspace. Just don’t forget to make it only visible PRIVAT to you as admin if you don’t want to share it with the hole world. Mostly it copy the pics link and Facebook friends link only but for many reason you don’t need more .

2. CSV Export  Friends

These is an Facebook App that allow you to export all your Friends with Data (exept email ) to a CSV file .With that you can edit sort it in Exel or open office. or even import it as a Google KMl file to visualise the location of your friends in google Earth. You chose  what  Information  you would need and of course it depend on the privacy settings of the Friend.

Full name Birthday
Hometown Facebook ID
Last name First name
About me Current location
Profile url Picture url

The Facebook App Link  Export Friends to CSV

3. The Yahoo Mail Friends Import

Yahoo Mail was never my email client but for Facebook Friends it make sense to register a account. As Facebook shortly partner Up with yahoo these is the only service that allows you to import your Facebook Friends to your contacts . Go to

“People who use Yahoo and Facebook can now link their accounts to view and share updates with friends across both networks”  Yahoo Blog



And yes afterworld you can Sync with you Adressbook or outlook .The most interesting part on it it also import the email of your Friends .That could be a live saver if one day you lost your account for no reason or you just get blocked and your friends contact is only on Facebook . Best of all your Friends contact details will be updated with photo and privat email . Be patient as it would not work on the first tray specially not if you have a lot of friends. Repeat to press the import button several time 5-10 still all import is done . Afterword sync with your favourite contact manager .

Hope fully it helps you a bit to feel more save on the wild  see of social media . And if you don’t what that any body have your details you should just enter in your profile these information that you what to share with every buddy .Than you will have not to fear the privacy settings at all. The new Facebook rules for Developers allow there apps to store information for a unlimited time so why should your personal friends or contact not have it more easy accessible on there adressbook.

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