
Metaprime Blog  is a Austria  based blog dedicated to curating high quality content and social media tipps from around the web covering digital media news and culture, social media and technology. Founded on April 2009 , Its a kind of Lab for testing new tweaks and possibility  to integrate and communicate with other platforms so many rough notes and code snippets even apps get tested here you will find chalk board style notes fast scribbled.  to brake things  its quite common pleas be patient.

Metaprime Blog has become a place where friends and others can reach out to like-minded enthusiasts and share ideas inspiration and tipps for a smother social media experience.

About the Authors

amiresAmir Esmann is a Mediaman and Developer with over 20 years experience in Producing  Developing with a strong focus on Social Media . Born in Switzerland traveled to learn to connect cross culture with cross media with a strong base in vienna.

He speaks for lead  IT professionalism and addvert people tutor  New Media and Film in workshops and training classes.

Online Projects get discussed in the Austrian Parliament and International Press .Since 2006 worked with online communities and storytelling with visuals . Currently Developer at Metaprime Studio the online section of the Cameraman Department.

His Film career include high Journalistic Awards and International art awards like the Golden Rose of Montreux .