Instagram Video embed für die Facebook Timeline

…der Timeline. Todo: Mobile fallback wird der post mobile besucht gibts noch kein video doch auch das sollte kein problem sein .Ein kleines video plug extension embedded das instagram video…

Jomla MAMP Errors

…ContentHelper Finaly solved without changing core code as suggested in some forums. The problem resist even in last Joomla 2.5.7 version. PhP show following error PHP Warning: Directive ‘register_globals’ is…

MetaGrids or How to Build social Awareness

…the Social Djungel to get in contact. Houston we have a Problem: missing on most social tools apps, no place to make personal notes (ex. G+), too many clicks away…

21 Terrific rules about Googling Google+ 1

problem. 2. I’ve met some really intelligent people who are experts in a wide array of subjects, so feel free to ask. Someone will answer. 3. In order to meet…

Frankensteins Fish

…natural environment, they could contaminate wild salmon stock or out-compete them altogether by growing so unnaturally fast. In other words, you can’t just ignore this problem by buying wild salmon…

Social Video Livestream

…Colliris as its a realy lovely app . The main problem why most of services dont integrate into Facebook is that they need stats to mesure performance of the videos…

1 Million Deutsche rufen ein Virus

…? Mit der Facebook viren Problematik haben sich seit einiger zeit auch die renommierten Virenschutz Firmen beschäftigt. Welche auch Facebook Seiten betreiben. Da die meisten Viren Entwicklungen zuerst in den…