Video App Root update of one of our social video stream apps Social Livestream was orginaly created to show and play Livestream Videos inside Facebook. First for our own need. Since google+ offerd Hangouts that are much simpler way to start video streams the main source changed from Livestream to Youtube Live.
The Idea behind a Social Video Livestream App ?
Building a cross network Video app that include multi social networks and is sharable on Facebook. Following Social Networks and functions included G+ Hangouts with Stats, Pinterest featured Board ,Twitter Newsticker, Facebook Video comments. The App works like a cross network Social CMS. Mostly for Multi Network Power User who want to allow there network to engage with all there Fans/ Followers on there content independent where they are most aktiv. Not losing all social interaktions on fast changing Social Media platforms having some kind of reflective action on own Blog or webpage.
How Social Media Video works ?
Some short Introduction, What is the main difference using a Social video App or just embedding the naked youtube Vimeo Video on your Fanpage or wall ? If a friend gona like your video it produce just a minimal story for there friends. It will show in the right bar under newsfeed as a tiny story like “Friend Hans Musterman liked Video XYZ”. No one will see that or reaktion will be very low. If you use a custom video app you can define how the story will looks like on the user wall. In our case every Like or comment will share the video content as a post on the user wall with his comment. That way Friends can comment or like too and the Video spread much faster and wider on the Facebook platform. One core benefit to Images and other post content is that a video player and his playlist get not cached on the Facebook server it can change when ever you like. For example replace the video with a shorter version or add ADDs .FB allow adverts on Apps same for your Video Apps even when they play right on the Timeline embedded.
Some core functions :
Video Stream : User can add Video links in the comments that get auto added to the social media video list. Moderator can delete inappropriate videos and comments . User add a Description text and youtube video link in the Facebook comment Box. Made the expirence more Social for Video Media and more sharable as its a group collaboration instead of a single self promotion post. The video stay inside Facebook for all actions .
Twitter News ticker : One twitter @mozartamadeus account set as News Ticker there tweets show at the button of the Video as running News-ticker. Optional planed is that it should be possible to show tweets with a #hashtag too. One dropped funtcion was to switch the Video Livestream vie a special command Tweet from that account.
Pinterest Photo Slider : Shared Profile Pics from Pinterest get auto added to the Photo Gallery slider mentioned as “Future Speaker ” on that channel. At the moment my Pinterest Board People is shown.
WordPress : The Content below the player comes from these blog that way we can change fast and simple the campaigne text related to the video playing or capaign running without need to change any code.
Google Analytics : 2 tracking systems Google Analitics and Piwik for comparison show live viewer front end that are aktive viewer on the Video. Not only on the App Canvas but also on any wall the video get shared or liked. That way we see real viewer over the Facebook network.
Social video Advertising for self hosted streams Partner as Pre-role Add or Banner Adds. Since Facebook dont offer that kind of Addverts anymore its quite intersting to target user and interest groups. with rich video content. The adds can go online when the video reached maximum viral performance.
Mediaplayer Branding : With logo and backlink to a webpage or where the app is installed. Optional custom skin like the CNN Player.
What Video and Livestream Media Apps on Facebook exist ?
A short overview of the most popular Fb video apps how they integrate and options
Livestream : HD Livestream , Mobile decoding ,Hardware HDMI Red Box, Mobile APP, links away to Livestream ,Add supported , on there own wall only Event Image posts. VIRAL : Checkin To chat Action red with who is here livestream chat -Invite Friends to chat box post to your wall popup box . Old 500px wide app 270k Fans 1,5k taking | APP 470k monthly user
Ustream : Add Video supported for free accounts ,Live Counter now/total views on the player bar ,Not playing on there Fanpage Wall Images post , Not sharable on FB wall .App on Iframe canvas -VIRAL : have to like Ustream before video play !! REMIND Me . old smal canvas size 500px . 400k Fans, 7,7k talking | APP 1mill monthly user Ustream CBS example :
App Bugs: Insecure content warning (chrome) on there own player app , If you are already fan player blocks with Fanbox popup dislike <-> relike worked for unlocking video
JustinTV : Better known in the US 70k Fans | 5k talking
Cooliris : 3D photo Wall player Social Discovery 10k Fans | 138 talking
Metaplayer : Social Image Player with Audio for FB G+ 2FB Photo stream
Broadcaster and Video Pages with custom VideoPlayers
WebServices with custom Media Player non FB
Compare by yourself interaction on custom Video post playable inside Facebook and the one who dont play on timeline. Some Integration Mashup Apps are done with Colliris as its a realy lovely app . The main problem why most of services dont integrate into Facebook is that they need stats to mesure performance of the videos and want the traffic on there own webpage instead to allow to spread social as much as possible inside FB. That was one of the core points why to build a social Livestream Mediaplayer where we can customize all interaction points and even change any core functions that could be needed in the near feature. Some very sweet Video SEO side effect ratting on the Google search engine is extremely present . Google show every post with video content with a representative thumbnails. Instead only Titel and excerpt. Same as it shows youtube results that are ranked quite well.
Why Youtube Links dont work in Facebook ?
Simple example BBC have 2 million Fans here is a BBC Youtube post on there Fanpage . What wrong with it ? 300 counted views on Youtube . Facebook Blocks all Stats and Adverts from youtube inside Facebook its there Platform and they are in heavy compettion with Google. Very simple but true. Read the opposite story even youtube block his video on facebookat least to get viral shared even from normal user. That way you never make any remarkable rise on youtube with even a huge FAn community on FB. All youtube video link back to youtube not to your webpage or blog. But youtube show some stats Visitor from Facebook, yes that is referral trafic people who click on the video and get forwarded to the original Video on youtube.
Best experience performing Social Facebook Videos ?
Not every video runs well or even get viral but if the content have some good potential the chances are high. Just one example of a blog post with a funny video (professional advert) posted on one of our related pages. 1.2 Million views inside Facebook 20k visits on the webpage. Have somewhere a screen shot will add that as soon i find it again. thats not to bad for a Facebook embed video. Around 900 Post Likes produced that stream. Have to mention it was a very smal blog with nearly zero reputation not important on social networks. Most Videos are much to long for social Media world . You can shorten the video by defining a start and duration point for the video , something like the best part as a teaser if the user Interested in the full video he can visit your webpage. If a video is 2-5 minutes or longer you missed the interaction motivation. make some test with extrem short videos 5-15 seconds. Some Social Media Expert ask and that works ? Here on the blog are just very view videos but still video optimised since the updated trafic rise up to 5 Times more visits than before.
Why are real time Video Analytics important ?
As Youtube show views for live streams and fast sharing social networks you need instant Stats not one day delay in your numbers to know where is the knee and if the video have a viral power to react in time by contributing or making minor changes to the video and or place popup additional info on the right position the viewer wants it. The difference to self hosted Video Player is that you have all time control how the video play and where. Since google+ started with Hangouts user cant see how many viewer are online on there Hangout even later on youtube dont show any stats for Hangout videos. Probably for a good reason. they are much too low for the afford people give to them. Using G+ Hangouts as host and Facebook as Guest Viewer could expand your viewer very rapidly if the topic is interesting for your community. Even can motivate some FB user to move and join your G+ Page to be a aktive part on the next hangout. A well done hangout with guests and some interesting topics can run in a lot of work. For the user experience nothing changed your player looks and feels same like any other youtube videoplayer on Facebook. But first hand you probably want to know was the video stream successful or do you need to change something .
Where is the app to test it in action ?
There is a Metaprime Demo Page where we test some apps on a closed Beta Group. If you would like to test or suggest feature functions you are welcome. But most important all Apps dont need the User leave there personal wall as it plays and work right on there stream like any other post from friends.
Still a lot to do
Next To do List ?
Some more Interaction Points : share , register , get a Event reminder by FB or Google Event . UI to Register.
Some description text that explain funktions simple
List for "Schedul" (by moderator Live events) , "Highlights" ( by user)
HOT Dev : FB Fricktenless sharing FLash Plugin "User viewed video xyz
Twitter Channel #Hashtag "Have your say" removable by user player get bigger
Design : Top Genre channel switch Videolist (ref: www#youtube#com/politics),Channels should be also mangagable via CMS . 7# Bookmark Cat for example
User Backend Forms to setup user channels. User should be Fan or registerd bevor allow to add Video Links. More Pinterest info for the feature speaker via hover. User Connections : Connect via Facebook, Goolge or Twitter .User can setup in his profile all Network Profiles as video source for the App. TimeCode show video or video list length.
Admin Backend sort function for the videos , User generated sort by likes and comments on the video. Add additional video sources and promoted videos. Custom skin to switch to next previews TOP video.
Mobile ready: HTML5 fall back for moderated real location events viewable from any mobile or Ipad
APP Performance : Move to a APP hoster Google Apps
Planed Platfroms :Twitter video Integration , Pinterest Video Embed ,Facebook checkin to real location. widget bookmakrlet to share videolinks faster