Silent Facebook Profile Update

As you can imagine Facebook is not on winter sleep and updates are in continues process . One major update that start right now is the new Facebook Profile update….

“An optimist stays up u…

“An optimist stays up until midnight to see the new year in. A pessimist stays up to make sure the old year leaves.” Unknown, Happy New Year

Facebook video Timeline Profile hacks

…new Profile you don’t have to look perfect as only a Small part of your face will be seen, some partial makeup for that area could be done in minutes…

How to set your Facebook Fanpage to Twitter

…werden soll . Hier gibt’s eine kurze Umleitung zum Twitter akount wo man bestätigen muss das man Facebook den Twitter status updaten darf. Einlogen auf den Twitter. Happy Facebook Tweets…

Facebook Video post by API WP Plugin

…=> apply_filters( ‘the_excerpt’, get_the_excerpt() ), ‘description’ => apply_filters( ‘the_excerpt’, get_the_excerpt() ), ‘message’ => $fan_page_message, ‘source’ => ‘’, ); Need that for the video Birthday page on the blog “Birdys Happy-B-Day”…

Sync Iphone Facebook Gmail and Yahoo

These post is a remark how to get all the contacts you have synced in a proper way without any extra cost or service . The only part its not…

Find Twitter Friends and Followers for Follow Fridays

…@nickyasuko @zenmonkey_de @ptgelci @juergenhoebarth @oodk1dd0 @schoenswetter @st3v3piper @socialcomerce1 @brennweit @brentonhilaire @smoothenizer @gruenkapitalist @appsame @ahabicher @eaglepowder @gumpelmaier @wwwendoplast_de @grafdal @laureenraft @vanessawoelke71 @juliegriffet @yago1 @lionesskeeper @ve_loura_ve @bit2bit @opel_service_de @kraeuterdirekt @rmsarah15 @rolandfuehrer @alliumart