This is a sort of a long time scheduled post about a Twitter app that does something very simple: delete spam inbox, probably should be a native Twitter function. Everybody know that the most valuable communication happens Privat in a Direct Message not public. But how to use Twitters Messaging function if the Inbox is full of Spam Greetings and Automated Messages?
That was the time I chose to learn a bit about the Twitter API and build this tiny app that does one simple thing
How To Delete Spam Messages On Twitter
Clean the Direct Message Box from all the random Spam Tweets. Tweetwasher was born and I use it regularly once a Month a week depends on how passionate I follow some new Tweeps folks that probably use some Auto Massaging app. The name Tweetwasher comes from the laundry idea like cleaning clothes it cleans the personal Tweets.
What it does: It cleans the Privat Direct Message Inbox from all kind of automated Spam and tweets, any Message you don’t respond.
It keeps all active Conversation and Personal Tweets. Only non-responded Messages get scanned if any Spam pattern match. Very similar to googles Mail Spam Filter.
Twitter had Promised to solve this Problem for many years ago, this was the main reason why i never publish or wrote about this little handy tool.
Please keep aware the tool deleted tweets are gone the app don’t store any information you have to log in again on every use.
Try it try it first with some 2nd account if you feel happy how it works you can try to use it on your main account too and can recommend it to some friends too so they will start to read your Direct Messages in their box again.
Here some Filter Keywords that get filtered Deleted from your inbox IF no Respond from your side: “FREE”, “Download”, “”, any Direct Message with links, “Thanks” and some more.
Feel free to try it: TweetWasher
Please be patient it can take up to some 2-3 minutes and a popup window will report how many Tweets in the inbox got scanned and how many deleted. maximum are 100 Messages per Click on the Big Cleaner Button.
If you have some suggestion how to make it better or some keywords to add to the spam filter list feel free to write your ideas below.