Funny Facebook Photo Massage
The shortly published new Facebook profile Design give some interesting new ways to redesign your profile with a moving video . Specially for Musician and the one how would like to use more often video upload feature like a video podcast. The on top tagged picture can be arranged as you like and can show sliced panorama or even a massage in a picture .With the free Gimp you just need so crop 5 Images to the desired size.
The massage top pictures slice them 96×68 pixel each and line them up with 3 pixel space between. Additional you can tagge your friends with the same pictures in revers ( first !!! ,NOW ,Island … ) order to show the same massage, but be aware to only tag good friends where the massage make sense not to anoing them as all there friends get 5 times notified about the tagging and make shure the pictures are at least viewable by Friends of Friends.
Facebook Split Picture Profile
Merge the 5 tagged picture with your huge profile picture to get even more interesting multi pic profile. The last recent change allow that use the maximum size Profile pic 540x 180 pixel
As pictures get a very high rank on your friends stream a split ted undefined one could get a bit more attention to your friends. You can tweak the facebook system even by uploading the Photoshoped picture with your mobile as they will count much more . So don’t hesitate to use some IPhone Photo manipulating software for your uploads.
New Facebook video Profile
Don’t shoot the Video with your web-cam use some Camera that have a zoom and can be connected via USB or Firewire and take care about a proper lighting if you do some video blogging. Most web-cam have a wide angel that is not the best for your face. Don’t be afraid of live video Podcast into your new Profile you don’t have to look perfect as only a Small part of your face will be seen, some partial makeup for that area could be done in minutes no hair no eyes as there are already on top and prefect from your favorite shoot cleaned with photoshop the last wrinkles. With that technique you can update your status with a video massage nearly every day via video.
To find the right framing before publishing you can record with Facebook your video and set the privacy to ONLY ME that way no one will see if your first 10 takes are not that good . As soon your happy you can go and share the good one or re-upload it .Don’t forget to change your privacy back to Friends or Friends of Friends .If you want to be seen 🙂 .
The final Video PRofile will look like these one and iam shure for most musican its a great stage and some kind of a Facebook Videoclip.
Maximum Photo Upload size 604 px * 604 px