One of the most memorable locations i have seen after a wilde ride on some motorbikes up the hills to bokur. We got on the plato where was the place for the rich and famous before the khmer rouge time. Still you can feel the live here people warned as not to step beside the road as still could be some mines in the bush. the road up there is nothing what we would call road its more some thing like a river bed for our first time motocrossing guys more than an adventure. there was absolut nothing up there as it was already late we sleep outdoor the ear was fresh and no mosquito a bit hungry but how cares on a place like that.
Film Location Cambodia after the tripp i found some movies shot in cambodia one even with famous Gerard Depardieu in a smal rolle as a bar man . the move was hilearius as it transport the feeling and history in a more than authentic way as a feature movie. Bokur Casino-Cambodia