Shortly realized some limitations for sharing youtube video on the Facebook Platfrom. Several reputed Brand Fanpages just post grey Avatar youtube videos. Thy dont embed how ever you share the url. Even the Thumb preview was broken with the gray man Avatar . Since even in Facebook groups it starts to happen it was worth to take a closer look with the Facebook Debugger . My first thought was that facebook is blocking the content .
But it was the other side
Youtube had change there algorithm for some reson . The canonical Url get redirected after you share it to a capcha screen with following massage
Sorry for the interruption. We have been receiving a large volume of requests from your network.
The Facebook Debugg utitly show the exact reason the canonical url get redirectd what means facebook cant fetch the image or video to play it inside FB the user get redirected to the youtube platform where you lose any social interaction inside FB. See OG:url
Youtube blocks your video from Facebook if it get to many shares Request for that video . In that case it was even not our video and just shared the User video once and twice to reproduce the Error. Can not confrom how long the block will be aktive . But since FB cache the image on the first run it will stay like that on your wall. The User who share is high reputable Filmmaker from Dubaj who promote slightly some of his videos on related groups and pages. So no SEO tricks or Youtube Boots in action . Even the views been quite low as just uploaded with about 20 views .
Growing Quality Apps with Open Graph
Facebook changed shorty his embed Policy for content . It depends on many factors how large your Story like media content image video audio will be shown inside FB. recomendet is to add locations and realted quality images . What means that ? If the user dont interact with your content its not related or quality content. see Facebook developer Blog
Interested how make your video works on Facebook ? You can read more about Video and media on Facebook here