testing the light box this is the test of akWpLightbox plugin for wordpress some how it dont work so easy like it should as it have a litle conflickt with the Photo Plugin that add additional Css to the picture what disturbe the call of the lightbox script .
Changed the FlickrRss plugin to work with lighbox ,much nicer than going away from the blog a simple change in one line to link direct to the image instead to the flickr page works .
You have to edit in the FlickrRss the
$url = $item['link'];
To this one
$url = str_replace("_m.jpg", ".jpg", $imgUrlMatches[1]);
My version works with the akWpLightbox and easy just to remmebr the change when a plugin update comes allong and you update you have to Edit the line again .
Still some smal Css displacemnt in the Box will fix it as sone i get a bit of time
At the moment the Flickr Stream on the button of this blog shows random Pictures from Vienna ,what is nice from my point of view as i see what are the newest picture from vienna and what poepel are interstetd to Photograph and see in good old Wien