Privacy Filter for Fan Pages and Facebook Profile

Many times you want to make a screenshot of some status on a Fanpage or something from the Facebook Timeline. But opening a photo editor to mark all personal names and photos out is a bit of a hassle for that small task . Here i would like to show some small CSS snippet that keep the privacy of your Friends  and is less work than any photoshop or photo painting tool out of the box. Its based on a simple fact that all modern browser support Blur Filter by changing the property of the elements they get blurred , just till you reload the page.  Long writing for a small task . Just copy and paste it in your Browser console .

-webkit-filter: blur(5px); -moz-filter: blur(5px); -o-filter: blur(5px); -ms-filter: blur(5px); filter: blur(5px);

span._50hf.fsm.fwn {
    -webkit-filter: blur(2px);
/* feednames*/
span.fcg {
    -webkit-filter: blur(2px);
/* profile images */
img._s0._rw.img {
    -webkit-filter: blur(5px);
.fsl.fwb.fcb {
    -webkit-filter: blur(3px);
/* profile name */
span.fwb.fcg {
    -webkit-filter: blur(5px);
/* commentImage*/
img.img.UFIActorImage._54ru.img {
    -webkit-filter: blur(2px);
/* commentName*/
.UFICommentActorName {
    -webkit-filter: blur(2px);
div#rightCol {
    -webkit-filter: blur(5px);
div#leftCol {
    -webkit-filter: blur(5px);
.UFILikeSentenceText {
    -webkit-filter: blur(5px);