Iam Back

Wer sich fragt was Arnold Schwarzenegger nach seinem Österreich Besuch in Rumänien gemacht hat. Es geht nichts über ein gutes Schnitzel als Stärkung https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TgEqVYcryWc…

Facebook Camera

…mit welcher DSLR Fotos direkt auf Soziale Netzwerke uploaden kann. https://bit.ly/K33Q4C App Store https://www.facebook.com/mobile/camera Embedded Link Facebook Camera Share photos faster than ever and see all your friends’ latest shots…


…steps Facebook Places : Vienna Austria , Austria some Facebook Placecs ,there is a Places Graph APPI call for direct linking to facebook places. Graph API call https://graph.facebook.com/search?q=coffee&type=place&center=37.76,-122.427&distance=1000&access_token=    …

Facebook Graph API 2 Migration Upgrading workflow

…2. Change Facebook javascript library from Version 1.0 js.src = “//connect.facebook.net/en_US/all.js”; to Version 2.0 js.src = “//connect.facebook.net/en_US/sdk.js”; Update Social Plugins code <script>(function(d, s, id) { var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s);…

Pay for your Facebook Status Update

…conformed by FB. https://tcrn.ch/HighlightStatus Oginaly Discovered by https://www.stuff.co.nz/technology/digital-living/6904136/Facebook-running-pay-test-for-highlighted-posts Embedded Link TechCrunch | Facebook Highlight Status Updates Josh Constine is a technology journalist who specializes in deep analysis of social products….

Social Metaplayer

…or Timeline of there friend commented with a Like or personal comment . Thats the usual process how Facebook work . The difference In these case a full multimedia show…

German scurity experts uncover government snooping

German Chaos Computer Club CCC has uncovered two recent instances of police using “trojan” spying programs on the computers of suspects they later arrested. The programs allowed remote users to…