New Facebook verification, identify friends in photos !

…below url ( in these case profile pic) The last part of the image filename contain the user ID bold marked ,now just build a new url Below…

The Invisible German Car

with mounted LED panels, and a Canon 5D MKII amera on the other side . Promoting there zero-emission capabilities of the F-Cell technology car, toured through Berlin via +Felix Disselhoff…

How to Film a Revolution

Interesting Tutorial how to film in Civil riots still some points missing What hints you would add to the tutorial ? Google+: Reshared 2 times…

Rope Swing Shoot

…5D Mark II, Canon 7D, Canon 60D, GoPro HD and Epic Red One cameras . Can you see what scene is shot with what camera ( ah phone) ?…


…Lovely visually illustrated “The old man is watching behind his life, nostalgic and the young one is thinking about his future to write.”   artist: Martin Woutisseth @mwoutisseth  …

In 5 years you will pay your rent with Facebook

…SonyBMG, RTL, ITV, the BBC, France Telecom / Orange, Deutsche Telekom, The Financial Times, TribalDDB, DDB, Omnicom, the European Commission, Nokia-Siemens-Networks, Kuoni . His Blog can be found here

Silent Film

Man with a Movie Camera, (Russian) experimental 1929 silent documentary film by Vetrov This film is famous for the huge range of cinematic techniques still a inspiration #Oscar #Cinematography #Filmmaker…