The find simple new Apartment in any city by asking friends on a Social platfrom is quite simple.
Most people search ones or some more often for a apartment in a other city of move together and need a bigger nicer apartment. Here it starts the problem many website over services ,endless crawling over various sites and Newspapers and the good stuff is gone when you pic up the phone .Often you have to pay a lot for just getting shown the Apartment or home.
Best experience is if one of your friend know some one that has moved or know some one who rent or sell a apartment.
This simple concept follow the Apartment 2.0 Group / Page on Facebook .Quite nice potential specially in this digital times where people moving faster and more often .
Some YouTube Videos of Apartment tours done personally to show renter not only the apartment and how there life in there they show the personality of the Students too that they will move in probably .Check it out i think its worth even when iam not searching for a Place right now i will have a source for my friends how often ask me if i know some place to rent.As it spreads more your search much more people on the same wave than only in your Friends list .At the moment the description is in German but it expandable to any location or city like Vienna ,Berlin Paris London or even New York .
Any way you can tray it on this Portals for Vienna too.
Wienwohnen Gov German
Wohnungs Flohmarkt german
Standard Wohnungs Inserate Newspaper Austria german