Simple Facebook Video Embed as Youtube upgrade there Api to AS3 on some blogs video dont play anymore inside Facebook and GaPro-1 tracker dont send tracking updates. All Youtube videos that are Add Sense enabled will not embed outside your blog.
They are several workaround offerd first of all the videoplayer have to be serverd from a SSL host to play.
Monetized video video test
The change will play Youtube Adverts inside third party player.
For Testing pourpouse using the HTML Snippets Embed WP plug fast and easy to check special parameter and embed options inside WordPress. Later on modification to the Stream Video Plugin to extend functionality like adding different plugins for different posts.
The new B-Day Bird Page use a RTSP live stream with Caption Plugin that get feedet by the Facebook Graph Data with Mutual Friends related . The only downside if a user click on the video screen the player get paused and interrupt the connection to the live stream server. By Ethan sugested work around with the Video plugin Proxyclick don’t work as its not compatible with Caption undertitels .
Object Debugger Facebook Developer Tools
Not only Developer every blog owner should check regulary how his content embed in Facebook even when its work only there will show if some is not optimum. As Facebook change and brake things fast i would suggest once a month or better every 2 week. Last change even not mention the thumb size have to be now minimum 200px x 200px . That needs a rebuilding of all thumbs on the WordPress blog as 150px will work but is too smal. By the way dont foget that the debugger and Facebook cache your site if you made changes add some random numbers “?23435” behind the url to force the debugg tool to refresh content from your page else you wont see any update you have done.
Placeholder Video
Since most blog post dont contain a video but i whant to keep the shared content strategy in the header it checks if a video is attached if not it add the famous 4 second Hamster video. Once i got time i should replace that with a custom own video that represent the blog something like a opener.
Google Analytics with GAPro-1
On some own Flash Apps using a custom Analytcs code that work even inside Facebook like a sharm using it to track the photos social shares and aczeptance of the picture clicks. Only the GAPro-1 for jw-player make some problems since GAPro-2 is javascript based it will not work inside Facebook .
Some handy Pdf if you twitnkel with the Analitcs stuff for your JW-Player GAPRO-1 PDF
Longtailvideo Workaround
Since the problem ocure Mustafa Dindarthe Developer behind Joomla Seyret Component done a unofficial upgrade to the 5.4 player even acepted and postet on the Longtail Blog.
these update works like a charm The Downside your player will show now youtube adverts but not connected to your account so no profit
Add custom Video Adds in your videos
There are several commercial plugins that support Adds but finally its very simple even without any plugin. Just generate a XML playlist with the preroll trailer or adds plus after roller if you like . Insert your new video with a little php into the XMl playlist. Very simple and flexible they are several XML editors that help to setup once the campaign. I would suggest instead of a commercial to run some kind of a Blog or Page ID same like a Logo just as video.
WordPress Stream Video Plugin
One of the oldest and most stable Video plugins for WordPress is Stream Video from Rodriges it not only make it smoth psoible to embed mostly any live youtube video source into your blog its also the customization is done in minutes. The Developer stop support and further developement what made no change in recomending the plugin as one of the best. Like many top plugins the developer get to bussy to stay on it for ever. At these and other blogs i use a slightly moded version.
Why you should use a custom player instead of standard youtube player that works too.
main reasons
1. You are in controll how it plays and look .
2, Video SEO Google will show your content as Video content high ranked like the youtube results. Its like having a video Thumb instead of just one line of text on the search result.
3. You simple can embed or overlay Twitter Text over video for live events. even Related Facebook Graph results will personalise the Video to your viewer. example the B-Day livestream.
4. Add you custom Plugins and branded Skins like a custom Google Ananlytics that show live views inside Facebook.
5. Last but not least your player links back to your Blog if the video content is good it can go extreme viral inside Facebook example post on the cameraman blog get with 700 likes 1.2 million views inside Facebook according to FB stats. 20k follow back to the blog . With just a Youtube video inside a player.
{placeholder image}
These post is just a reMember post probably much to long for most reader.
Add Player Test
Sources Video APi Develoer Blogs:
Youtube AS3