As i just start in the twitter Social Network thing it runs so incredible fast that i even don’t had time to say thank you to my followers .
Here a short way of my milestones in the Twittervers or better general in Social Networks and some comparison.
I login the first time end of December 2008 than it was quite as i was in Laos and North Vietnam for 3 Month with very seldom Internet access shooting there some Picture some are available over my Flicker account under Creative common license.
Already in Hanoi i start twittering on every corner as the City have a great Wifi network mostly all open or public and Free.I many used it to stay connected to my friends in Austria much faster and cheaper than phone calls less stressful than Internet Cafes.
Back in Vienna i take a closer look and had more time to read than it just run very fast from somewhere with 150 followers to over 3000 in about 2 weeks .
Now get under the Top 10 Austrian Twitters just right over @arminwolf the Anchorman of the Austrian Television News channel ORF Zip2 one of the view media people in Austria using twitter regularly.Many Austrian Medias have a twitter account but they use it mostly like a RSS feed not many interested on this kind of tweets.
It take a long effort to motivate a visual person like me to use Twitter to communicate with view symbols.But the effort of @digitalks @andreacuny and a 360 Photography open my eyes to this great and fast communication tool.
For now i know that for journalistik work its much faster and reasonable information than any TV channel can bring .On the case Fritzl some journalist just tweet right form the court befor any TV program or News channel can shoot Edit and transmit the News footage .
The Creative Part is powerful too many Jung top talents Tweet and you get in contact to them and see their work befor google even can index them .Word of month have more value than any advertisement.
Witch Print TV Media and famous Persons Twitter in Austria ?
@misik Standard with a youtube channel
@fm4sories FM Radio
@Phettberg_Mcgoo Cult Person
@diegruenen_at Polit Party
@derstandard_at Newspaper
@kleinezeitung Newspaper
@orf_at Austrian Brodcaster