The post from +Colby Brown get my attention as experimenting how to port hangouts to a wider audience and how to live streaming to Facebook and other platforms without screen capture.
Finally its simpler than i thought Hangout on Air offers the youtube url that you can embed in your Blog or with a custom videoplayer on your Facebook Fanpage wall. Probably you need to clean up the url a bit so something like these
Same url you will need to feed your videoplayer . Why a custom player ? its the only way to have full Google Real time Analytics for your Hangout Livestream.
As Pinterest supports youtube sharing even there you can share your Hangout on Air .
The standard Google hangout is only embed-able in a WP post by copy the object code. (the missing link)
Reshared post from +Colby Brown
Did Google just enable Hangouts On Air for EVERYONE?
I have heard from many people this morning that On Air Hangouts are available for everyone. Try to start a hangout? What does your screen say?
"You've been invited to broadcast and record your hangouts. Try Hangouts with extras to preview new features"
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