How to get Hangout on Air

The post from +Colby Brown get my attention as experimenting how to port hangouts to a wider audience and how to live streaming to Facebook and other platforms without screen capture.

Finally its simpler than i thought Hangout on Air offers the youtube url that you can embed in your Blog or with a custom videoplayer on your Facebook Fanpage wall. Probably you need to clean up the url a bit so something like these

Same url you will need to feed your videoplayer . Why a custom player ? its the only way to have full Google Real time Analytics for your Hangout Livestream.

As Pinterest supports youtube sharing even there you can share your Hangout on Air .
The standard Google hangout is only embed-able in a WP post by copy the object code. (the missing link)

Reshared post from +Colby Brown

Did Google just enable Hangouts On Air for EVERYONE?

I have heard from many people this morning that On Air Hangouts are available for everyone. Try to start a hangout? What does your screen say?

"You've been invited to broadcast and record your hangouts. Try Hangouts with extras to preview new features"

In album Random Stuff (1 photo)

Hangouts On Air live?