How to move your Facebook Fanpage into the Google Cloud

Since Facebook Fanpages still need a bunch of time specially if you have many to mangage. Loading Times are sooo slow some smal hints to reduce Lag in your workday. If you dont manage Fanpages just ignore these post.

If you dont want to get spammed from your own fanpage you probably turned off the Notification Emails from the fanpage still you need to know what is going on and how perform your posts to react in time.

You can simple add all your fanpage notification to your Favorite RSS Reader in my case NetNewsWire as it also sync with Google Reader and Free + Mobile App. You get a nice log of all post interaction of your fanpages what takes view minutes.

The little nasty RSS link can be found
Go to your Fan Page Notification -> at the button See all Notification -> under the page name Get notifications via: RSS

You can even go further and import the Notification to your WP Blog or any other software to honor or reward your fans In long term. No need for any third party App outside of your control.

Additional for the Brands still not on Google you can copy past your Fanpage urls and simple import them too Google Reader with NetNewswire as it supports import OPML format some kind of a simple XML list . What is nothing special you can build them with any text editor. That needs probably about 30 minutes for all pages.
Just add the header and your parsed links .

That way you can chose what you still want to read and even sort them in folders as you like. No Graph that censor what you have to read you even dont need to like anymore.