Facebook let us like and share . But the platform is moving and changing fast like live . Here i want just note the changes they made over time . It s a continues growing post . Separated by type of content with date and feature announcements. ITs related to Edge ranke the value Facebook gives your post and make them more or less visible. Listed from best to minimum. Dates are approximately. That post is marked under Facebook Bolds.
Profile Photo Update Huge Timeline story since 15.Sep.2012
Cover Photo update full timeline size 16:9
Photo uploads via mobile
Album photo update
Facebook video is featured in Size – not data at the moment
Youtube – 3h party show as thumb only until first click
Facebook Places can checkin with video or image
Embed into Blog option with Facebook player.
Planed Feature Search improvement og video:tag
Geo locate your post with
Birthday – if you could should have more than one birthday
Ordinary Status 10% of you friends
Produce any kind of Story Rich Media Location Audio .. depends on og:meta Like count the same as Share it auto share the predefined story.
To update you Thumb you need force a fresh fetch via Facebook debugger.
More than one Share Thumb is posible ad multi og:image
Instagram – bigest story as it uploads instead of linking
Pinterest – new stroryline with multiple biger images in one update. Sep.2012
App can send Notification to user – If 10 get marked as spam visibility drops 2012 August
Scheduled Facebook post and Twitter forwarding can be used to Schedule you Tweets too Like a Buffer.
Facebook Checkins via Graph or mobile , how related are your Facebook Friends ?
Best Of : FriendsGRAPH BOOKMAKLET beta Show the your most related Friends. Drag it to your Boookmakrks and click when on facebook. Works only if the search field is visible. Secure hosted. Reload the Page to remove the Friends Graph Window popup . Since there is no Name for that kind of Edgerank we calle it MetaEdge the forgoten Jewel. I use that now for about half a year . It not only show your friends related to you it also shows Related People on Facebook beyond the common interest and common fanlikes . Facebook Help is Zerro the numbers should get Normalised or some nicer Graph and export funktion at the moment you can simply copy and past to a google docs if you want to compare changes over time.
Now Available for Pages and Privat Timeline powerfull feature to reach your Fans Friends in Time. TimeLine Tweets can be done from Dummy Fanpages too Liked Posts – Aug 2012
Best case for links is After a Image spread via Share to update the Text with a related link The link will update on all already shared user walls too.
Facebook links have the lowest engament rate if the exerp is not magically controversial or provokativ visibility and click thrue rate is lowest in the FAcebook universe.
External Links can be blocked with a security warning
Who have visited my Profile one of the most asked question and fake apps run in facebook. There is no public stats. But they is no reason to visit a profile as all updates get feedet to Friends wall. Some Google analytics measurement conform that very view visits will happen on the TimeLine wall himself. Exeptien when you add a new Friend or update after a long brake.
Low visits not accesible to mobiles
Best for SEO ranking relation to the Fanpage
FB anounced to remove the Tabs from the Top navigation.
Used as landing Tabs before the Timeline update.
Engament must be initiated from the wall
Best case add your webpage link in the
About it will show up on hover links.
Best part to spread like Wildfire is not to be a broadcaster instead having a good Tribe who share when needed.
Facebook Insights
One Fanpage Like is like a Webpage visit with one Click
Page Views : Real Page visitor
Returning Visitor = Unik Page Visits – Page Visits
Talking About This : Like shared or commented on your Link Content
ENGAGED USER : Click or hover on your Post link for more Details
VITALITY : Percentage of User who have seen it (fan-base)