Since on Twitter and other Social Networks thinking how to make it less time consuming and concentrate more on the people and communication than on Platform. Many fabulous Tools and Apps build but most concentrate on ranking influence and follower grow.One key mostly get forgotten all these important parameter depends on region language and time…
Youtube We have been receiving a large volume of requests from your network Facebook
Shortly realized some limitations for sharing youtube video on the Facebook Platfrom. Several reputed Brand Fanpages just post grey Avatar youtube videos. Thy dont embed how ever you share the url. Even the Thumb preview was broken with the gray man Avatar . Since even in Facebook groups it starts to happen it was worth to take..
Austria Twitter Info
Einige meiner Bekanntesten Österreich aus der Twitter Scene. Hier spielt kein ranking noch Einfluss Faktor eine rolle. Dieses Persönliche Board wird gelegentlich aktualisiert. Die Profile Fotos lassen sich einfach umsortieren sind aber nicht mit den Profilen verlinkt. Dies war die erste Grund Idee storyboard um visuel eine einfache Übersicht über einige Österreichische Twitter Freunde zu haben. Österreichs meist diskutiert Twitter Themen laut google annon austria , anonymous austria,..
Instagram player for Facebook
These is a first release post of the MetaInstaplayer for Facebook .He play Instagram tags inside the player every fresh image with the hashtag Vienna will be shown actual it don’t need any extra Facebook app page. If you still prefer your creative instagram images than the new Instagram video feature probably these is for you. The Idea was..
MetaEdge Rank Facebook Bookmarklet
Meta Edgerank Explorer ein kleines Tool Bookmarklet welches ich seit nun über 6 Monaten nutze. Jetzt möchte ich es einem kleinen kreis von Freunden auch zur verfügung stellen. Dies ist ein Pre Release für Facebook Freunde welche gerne hinter den so genanten Edgerank blicken möchten. In erster Linie soll es wieder Spass machen sich mit Freunden auszutauschen und nicht..
Human-Powered Freerunning Machine
If you forgot your TV remote , freerunning film extendet if you need some inspiration for your next run. There was a huge creative team behind the action more freerunning wiki if you plan your own Freerunning Game Some freerunner parkur in Düsseldorf Berlin, Munich Wien Freerunner Düsseldorf Facebook community Parkour Community Vienna Credits Freerunner Schauspieler..
Social Video Livestream
Video App Root update of one of our social video stream apps Social Livestream was orginaly created to show and play Livestream Videos inside Facebook. First for our own need. Since google+ offerd Hangouts that are much simpler way to start video streams the main source changed from Livestream to Youtube Live. The Idea behind..
Recently seen on Youtube
To get a fast preview what is hot on youtube right now. Primary a test embed for some other video players as fall back or suggested views, that should works inside Facebook. Idea behind is to build a growing community player where more than one person contribute videos to show something like a show reel..
Not a Pixar Russian filmwork 1946
Every Film student should watch that short movie, flickering with pixels After Effect and many other spacial digital technics. Even today you can see a lot of creative work from eastern film industry less budgets and not so well known but more than worth to hunt for it . Could you imagine how its done at that time ? #filmmaker..
Rapid Prototyping MetaTag Twitter Cloud
Neulich etwas schnell eine Cloud Wolke auf Twitter geteilt zu den Sommergesprächen #Sg12 mit Armin Wolf. Der Twitter stream war so lebendig das man schnell die Übersicht verlor. Eines der Entwicklungsprojekte die im hintergrund laufen ist eine Prototyp zu einem Tag Cloud tool .