Instagram player for Facebook

These is a first release post of the MetaInstaplayer  for Facebook .He play Instagram tags inside the player every fresh image with the hashtag Vienna will be shown actual it don’t need any  extra Facebook app page. If you still prefer your creative instagram images than the new Instagram video feature probably these is for you.

The Idea was to build and extend the original Metaplayer that works nicely  with Google plus images to more live mobile images from  Instagram People for community Events on Facebook , Photo-Races, Competition and more try to share it inside on a FB page or your personal timeline to get the look and feel inside Facebook timeline. The music is from Sharre powerd by jamendo Creative Common.

The InstaMetaplayer get rebuild for mobile , soon more


Turn the music off by click on the play button

Insta Metaplayer  Some more backend needet but at least Instagram make it much simpler than Pinterest to spread the photo love. Some interface still needet to select the ahshtag by the user and to give the option to chose from the wide music selection. That could be a win win for the photographer and for the sound artist too.