How to Facebook Chat full screen or with IChat clients

Some FB User love the chat funktion more than the wall post thing ,but the smal chat window on the buttom bar could be anoing if you whant to chat with a freind for a longer time and whant to chat more than just some lines.

Here is a Facebook link for full Page Chat just login to your facebook and enter the Url in your browser.

Alternative if you can use a chat client to for mac user one of the best option is the build in IChat App ,you need only to add your Facebook chat account to it in following way and your password as IChat save you password only perform these on your own Mac. Facebook Chat is finaly  a Jabbel Chat so every Jabber Client will work with the Facebook Chat . Finaly IChat give a nice sound too when some Friend login to reach him when he goes online. For Windows user just google for Jabber Chat Client you will find many and most of them are Free. The new Skype 5 Beta includes also Facebook Chat and even Friends Import that way you can stay in contact with your friends without wasting browser space. 

For Blogs and webpages the /popout Facebook Page could also be Iframed included  to gain chat possiblity on your Page.


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