How you email facebook

… ‘Likes’ problems: Notification problems: Profile problems: Sending or Receiving Gift problems: Notes problems: Status problems: Friends problems: Pages problems: Groups problems:…

Minify Fix for WordPress Final

…is on several other Plugins included like Bwp minify, W3 Total Cache . The main Problems with Minify There are about 3 main problems why minif will not work as…

Google Plus Air Hangout in WordPress

…you can get it and take a your experiment. The sound quality is a bit problematic at least on my test and same problem reported by others on the forum….

How to auto clean your Twitter Inbox

Most Twitter user know the problem of a crowded personal inbox with many welcome massages and pleas visit my Fanpage auto-generated massages that you receive when you follow some new…

Rapid Prototyping MetaTag Twitter Cloud

problem mit den TagClouds Generatoren die am Netz so angeboten werden. Sie sind meist für Englische Sprache ausgelegt, damit eine Wolke auch für den Deutschen Österreichischen Sprachraum funktioniert müssen sogenannte…