IAEA #Vienna

IAEA #Vienna Reshared post from +John Bill #Iran <a href=”https://twitter.com/share?url=https://blog.metaprime.at/iaea-vienna/&text=IAEA #Vienna class=”twitter-share-button” data-count=”horizontal” data-via=”Metacowboy”>Tweet IAEA #Vienna <a href=”https://pinterest.com/pin/create/button/?url=https://blog.metaprime.at/iaea-vienna/&media=https://blog.metaprime.at/wp-content/uploads/ia81fef93bd63d4b271d1465cf471f1bc_iaea-2.jpg&description=IAEA #Vienna&is_video=true” class=”pin-it-button” count-layout=”horizontal”>…

Wehre is Austria Vienna or Wien ?

Wehre is Austria Vienna or Wien ? Reshared post from +Michael Mittner A lot of people still confuse Austria and Australia, I hope that makes it clear….

Vienna Schoko Cake

Recipes similar to that of the Sachertorte appeared as early as the eighteenth century, one instance being in the 1718 cookbook of Conrad Hagger, another individual represented in Gartler-Hickmann’s 1749…

Facebook Search Graph Examples

…photos of Cameraman My friends who commented on my photos   People who like Metaprime Studio and live in Vienna, Austria Favorite interests of people who like METAPRIME STUDIO Favorite…

Geo-Local Tweets mit Twetdeck

…selber an mit dem operand Near:Vienna werden alle Tweets angezeigt welche in Wien und Umgebung getweetet wurden. Hashtags wie Wien, vienna, Austria oder Österreich ergeben meist nur Spam Ergebnisse von…