Silent Facebook Profile Update

As you can imagine Facebook is not on winter sleep and updates are in continues process . One major update that start right now is the new Facebook Profile update. You will get a notification on top of your Profile where you get offered to change to the new Profile . But what is the new Profile how it looks and should i change now ? These questions and more we will look indeep  to it .

Foto Profile Update offer

What gone change on my Facebook Profile ?

Nearly everything will change but lets start slowly . Major change is the Design and the fast overview Changes are in your Profile Info , your Wall Publisher and some backend Profile editing will change too.
The Fb People choose a very interesting Charakter to demonstrate these Changes a Persian fantasy guy named BLAIS DIPERSIA  somehow proud that Faceook chose a special character from Persia to demonstrate there newest change with a Video and a Template Profile .
Some Reaktions on that Page / Demo Profile show that they are not that happy and asking to revert there profile. That will not be possible, once you changed your profile the old is goone .
Video Blais Dipersia Commercial


Lets take the Facebook Tour Bus

threw you new Profile Info Personal Information first lines  current living, Work ,Education , where you Born ect




These time FB helped us to add the missing additional Profile information to the new Profile with a  Tour. On Top Recently tagged photos show all picture you been tagged , No change on your privacy. Taged Picture get one of the highest interaction rates on Facebook doesn't matter what kind of picture if a friend get tagged even on some fun picture People like to comment more often than on any other content.




Navigation moved to the left bar. Don't know why but for some reason the Tabs are fully gone the Tabs was a all-time Facebook Style element that most App designer also used. The Wall move more into the Center of the viewpoint, finally its a open secret that Tabs get very seldom visited by Friends, doesn't  matter what Tab nameed or content offered inside them.



Education and Work information

More Visible Work & Edu:

These is already quite a time online, after adding your Education shoal or Work place you will get grouped into a Page where all people who added these information will show up bundled.

Not new but Interesting The Common Page all Members of a company or school.

Members are hidden but not really its quite simple to brows thue the members of a interest Page  and you don't have to be a developer but these is a other story for a other post …

People talking about the topic with open privacy are shown here.

Facebook Concentrate on Arts and Entertainment

Likes and Interests

Are shown more visible you can arrange the first 5 Liked Entertainment Pages by drag and drop. Till now Likes get sorted by time you join them. Simply sorting on the old Profile by removing and rejoin the page and it will show upfront of your likes. Now you can more visual style your profile first impression or even make them invisible by clicking the cross. Likes on Facebook Top show Interest that are related to Musik Movies and Television what shows already there next main target for the platform.

Lets think about a I(F)tunes Store or a Netflix Movie rental (US only) on Facebook. Watch you movies with your Friends online. Skype is already in the boat its just a question of time when it goon be fully included.



Skype Beta 5 have already a full functional Facebook Wall and Fried importer working (for PC user only at the moment). (Skype 2 Million User )
But Where is all the other stuff gone ?
Your Favorite Pages that are not one of the Categories – Movie , Televeision or Music are hidden in Show other Pages you have to click on it to unfold. Even more hidden than before. If yo run a business Page you really need active user to get seen on there walls. On New Profiles you Bussiness Page will be nearly invisible.

Finally your contact information is at the end of the page at the buttom where some one really  seldom will look or scroll down. Just a little hint it would make sense to have a Page for your Company Song or Movie if you have one. Entertain more and Classical Advert less. Let the Fans promote for your Brand Song or Movie …  but thats a other post.

Wall Publisher
Where you write your status is also fully changed, you cant add any more a Status Text with a link or a Status with a Picture you can publish one Text status or a Link. Probably thats an action to prevent User leafing Facebook to follow the link.
That for my personal taste a bad change as many people like to add additional information like a link to the Status.
The new Wall Publisher

Upload Photo and Video interface is the same except it separated to extra buttons.

Highlight meaningful relationships ?

Now you can sort your Friends in  Categories Like
Best Friends , College Friends, Coworkers or any other 
Nothing that new as you had already the Create LIST function where you can sort your Friends in different categories. But probably a more visual style and faster to brows than to go to the lists. As we hear List most of the User don't use till now.
These Friends "Highlight" is quite good hidden , you reach them on your profile left bar Edit Friends there you can chose a group or a List of Friends to show on top of all Friends. Something like a public personal Friends list.

Album like Friends Browser

Same like the Fanpage Browser additional to the Friends list browser you can switch to the style Album Friends Brwoser. Not fully new as it was already included in the


Who whant to change to the new Profile ?

Follow these Link to Change now
Once you Click the Button on top of the Facebook page no further question or conformation, your profile is changed to the new one ,So be shure that you really whant it now .
Check the wall of BLAIS DIPERSIA for User Feedback before you change. Some are more used to changes for other its more complicate to change something already used to.
Why we post these detailed description ?
Because you will not see it an-till you changed your profile and probably you don't whant to be the first Test user. Till now 400 Likes on Blais DiPersia Page 12 hours after launch thats not too much. For shure you know commercial look  always better than the reality
On the Facebook Blog there are nearly 5000 Comments most of them with more or less the same
" I want my old profile back!"
UPDATE: How to get  your old Facebook Profile back ?
There is one unofficial way to restore your profile to the classical Facebookl style, but keep in mind it don't work for developer accounts and if you own Groups or Pages as a single Admin you should first be shure that you have a second Admin in the Groups and Pages as Facebook could lose that or not restore .
If you disable your account temporarily after about 15 minutes login back again with your email and password your common Facebook Profile is back. You find that in account settings at the end below backup your account what it not a bad idea if not done already done.
Profile Backup everything you had post since your join Facebook.
The procedure is tested and working at the moment.

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