"Look at This" Facebook Phishing spread ultra fast

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(CNN)Facebook Hackers Phishing and Taking Over Facebook Accounts
Today i realized that the mails i get in my Facebook account with the title “Look at This” which holds a simple link and is all time difference is not a one time thing .
Mostly the links point too a site with Facebook site look and login window, don’t follow the link and don’t enter any information there or your Facebook account could get rapped .
There could run some ActiveX malware too if your computer is not on a save status with the newest antivirus and protection with the right settings what is not easy for most people.
The FB mail comes mostly from one of your friend evener than dont open as it could spread the same massage over your account.

Still now the urls are mostly European like ****.bl and even *****.at Austrian ones.
It looks that it spreads very fast
Proffen Phishing sites i get reported

Received from my Friend Justyna G.

“FACEBOOK has detected suspicious activity on my Facebook account and has reset my password as a security precaution. It is possible that malicious software was downloaded to my computer or that my password was stolen by a phishing website designed to look like Facebook. ” DON’T GO TO THIS “tinyurl(.)com/****/*****”

I get already multi of this over Facebook mails.
Hope Facebook Admins soon find the intruder and source of this malware.

what to do ?
First of all when you been on one of the Pages the URL change very often and are hosted on free parking domains .To make it hard for Facebook Admins to track, they show you a URL like gro**rd(insert dot)ru
Change your Facebook Passwords immediately if you don’t want they get misused and your friends get the same Phishing Email and Virus on there Account.
Make a Scan with a update Virus Scanner or one of the Free Tools below

(Video solution Works only for early viruses )
The research of Professors Dan Boneh and John Mitchell, Spoof Guard developed as an extension of Internet Explorer. Pwd Hash, however, is also available for Firefox. The version for Firefox is compatible with the version 0.8 of new and significantly more mature than the version 0.4 for the IE Both programs are still to be as prototypes.

You have been warned !

More in German Gefährliche Spam-Welle Überrollt Facebook Welt Online

If you find the Post useful pleas share it on Facebook or Stumble it to prevent the virus get more spread over your friends .

  1. Update Facebook Virus Nov/2009
    New Facebook Viral infection is spreading out very fast ,got several massages from Friends with following
    You get massages like
    “Saw thaat videeo the otther dday… How ccould you do suchh a thiing?” with a link
    You weree sighteed on our steallthy cammera!
    bit.ly [something ]
    With short Urls
    When ever you click on one or any of the links you could be infected too and should follow the steps above to get rid of it .
    Change Passwords and Clean up your PC

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