Facebook Swiss Army knife

Its a ongoing Mystery on Facebook many new functions get added over night other disappear without notice. A short overview of recent changes on the Facebook platform for myself and anybody interested to post a litle swiss armyniffe for Facebook User. These Post will for shure extend soon.

  • Don't lose time exploring and searching
  • Don't get  frustrated assembling a FB task
  • Get more interaction on your Social Pages
  • Stay on the Safer Facebook side
  • Clean up my Facebook Profile

Facebook Pages
Where are all my Pages im Fan of ?

Go to  https://www.facebook.com/pages/ which is a dedicated page for viewing the pages you are a fan of. By default you will land on all Pages on top left chose MY Pages

How to Unlike or Fan my related Pages Fast and Visual ?
Facebook Page Browser :Shortly Facebook developer ….. designed a Book DVD Shop Style Page Browser where you can easy unfan or like a Page by simply clicking the Image .No need to vist the page that time.

Alternativ you find the link in your profile at the button of your Like and Interests  Discover more Pages


Fast UNLIKING Facebook Pages

After a time you will realise that your Fanpages get cluterd and you recive from hunderts of fanpages Updates . There are 2 ways you can get ride of them.
1. Hide there stream click on your wall right of the page psot the X
2. To get clear the Fanpage from your profile is much harder than to get a Fan a very small link is on the left side at the button of the Page . To unfan fast a lot of pages follow these steps.
Click on 'Edit my Profile' under your picture. Then click on 'LIKE AND INTEREST ' on the left side. Click on the thing you want to unlike and a Remove button will pop up. After removing it, click on the 'Save Changes' button on the bottom and your done!
What are the new Facebook Pages Funktions ?
As Facebook develop continuously there are all time minor and useful changes happening on the platform. The old Pages don't allow Email Invites the new one does at the Start of the Page ,(Even Apps have now email invite). So if you have a Page that don't perform well just tray it a 2nd time with your prepared Email Invitelist. New Social Media stats tools Media usage Video and Audio on your Page.

How to Export my Facebook Data ?

Fb has shortly opened the a Download function for FB Profiles just go to top left ACCOUNT /ACCOUNT SETINGS you will see the Link Download Your Information learn more.
It will take some time Facebook need to prepare your data ,they will email you as soon they are ready. It Downloads all you Profil ,Posts, Photos ,Videos and comments, but not your Friends Email or contact Links. It will be Browsable on your local hard-drive. We thought its interesting if you plan to clean up your old wallpost and still know witch persons you interact.
If you wish to backup your Facebook friends read the post "Export Facebook Friends"
Why Fans on the Fanpage are not active ?
Shortly some Page admins report that there update don't get to the user. If you spam your Users (they report your post as Spam ) it could happen that your Wall post will not get into the Fans Stream as long you  get active interaction on the Page. And don't forget to watch the Insights for your Page specially the "Hidden from News Feed " of your Page,  do you lose more Fans who hide yor Post than gaining new Fans ?  if so you should rethink about your post quality?

One Example Austria Kann dieses Brezel mehr Fans als TOKIO HOTEL haven? Page with over 600.000 Fans open a Event Party 3 posts and only 50 user joined the Event !

How to Fight Spam on Facebook Pages Something quite simple was long time very hard ,the only way was to delete the post as big pages it was a hassle to find the spamming user . Now you can simple Delete the Spam post and Bann the Abusive User from your Page. By Click on the Right X near the Post .

Ban User From your Facebook Page

iChat and Chat Tools for Facebook

If you are one of the User who often use the Chat with Friends function there are several Chat clients that support Facebook chat. ICHAT on every MAC work lovely with Facebook Chat and have some nice functions like the plop sound fast hiding Friendslist from see me online, icon show if the Friend is typing and more.
How to setup iChat for Facebook in 2 minutes
Add your Facebook Email that looks like "YOURACOUNTNAME@chat.facebook.com"
to the Accounts on Ichat conform with your password.
Windows Facebook User New Skype 5 have marvellous Friends import function so you can chat even outside Facebook with good friends. Skype 5 Beta for MAC don't support Facebook Friends import at the moment and you lose multi account switcher if you upgrade now.

How to use successful the Facebook Event Funktions ?

Most People use the event to announce one singel event, after that the event disappear from the admin profile. But the Event is still here with all the functions. If you plan the same Event a second time it make sense to bookmark the event and announce the new Event with the old Members update. Keep in mind Facebook is not the best platform for huge Events over
5000 Members you will lose the right to update your Event Guests .And most guests need a reminder. by the way same rule for old Facebook Groups.
What you should prevent when starting a Viral App for your Page
Something you should keep in mind, Never Place a App on your Business Server even when you use Apps just to add a FBML tab or a simple Image to your page.
As long not many User join or use the Page every thing is fine but if it goes Viral It could knock you Server hardly down and CPU usage will grow to 100% . If you have a Online Shop or any serius Business going on the same Server you could lose Clients, probably not your intention.
Example we have seen was a very successful OTTO campaign that was hostet on there production Shop server.
Bye Bye Babys from Facebook

What is disappeared from Facebook and what will disappear soon.
Wall shrinker from 700px to 550px what mean it could happen that some Pages don't show correctly.
Profile Tabs and Boxes from Profile are gone no more apps that are visible on your profile .
Data rules changed now FB allow Apps developer to store user data for unlimited time so be careful witch app you give permission to access your Profile Data.

soon disappear :

FBML Apps are not anymore recomednet by FB Developer Support it looks like it will go the iframe way. Post your question we will answer you Facebook Myth here too.